Saturday, June 10, 2017 YOU make time for it in your life?

I had a physical yesterday for the first time in AGES! {Thanks to the urging of several friends in the medical field...} I regularly see my gynecologist and the endocrinologist, but realized that due to my ever-increasing age {ha!}, I needed extensive bloodwork each year.

One of the first things she said to me: 'Your EKG looks fabulous. Do you exercise frequently?' BOOM. Why yes, actually I do---6 days a week! That started a good conversation, and we talked a lot about exercise, various types of exercise, and then ventured a bit into clean eating and gut health.

Having a medical doctor comment on my health really hit home for me. I try to constantly remind myself and others about the importance of regular exercise. It's NOT just for a bikini. NOT just for a pair of shorts. NOT just for a dress. NOT just for a special event. It's for LIFE. Literally! We only have ONE body to live in, so we need to care for it wisely!

What are YOUR favorite ways to exercise and take care of your body?

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